Thursday, 23 February 2017

How to Get 1,000 Visitors Per Day To Your Website or Blog

Do you want to get 1,000 visitors per day for your website and blog without spending too much time and money?

I know you do!
In reality, getting a large number of visitors is one of the most common goals of many online businesses for their websites. Sadly, not everyone has the time and marketing budget to get thousands of visitors per day for their blogs and websites.
Four months ago, I conducted an experiment on the website Tycoon Philippines to determine if getting a large number of visitors is attainable without spending too much money on advertising and by just using content, research, and optimization.
Here are the steps I’ve done to perform this experiment.
First, I created, designed, and launched the new website. Second, I spent time researching for article topics that my target audience would search or would love to read. Third, I had been active on the website for two weeks and posted articles. Last, I stopped posting and updating the website for up to four months.
Those steps were made to know the answers to the following:
  1. Will the traffic drop during inactivity?
  2. Will this new website get sustainable traffic in the future through the things I’ve done in just two weeks of being active? If yes, why and how?
The result will surely surprise you.
The new website, which started from scratch and was inactive for four months, is now receiving almost thousands of visitors per day. It has also generated leads, radio guesting, interview proposals, and advertising opportunities.
The site is now also included in the top blogs in business and finance in the Philippines. Moreover, it has also generated a minimum of $80 USD per month from Google AdSense.
Do you want to know how I did it?
Of course, you do, and I am more than pleased to show you the exact strategies and things I’ve done to make this possible. So, let’s get started.

How to Get 1,000 Website Visitors per Day

1. Configure website technicalities

The website was created through WordPress, and when I built it, four things were prioritized: website speed, meta tags, design, and site architecture.
Website Speed
Optimizing speed on a website is one of my favorites, and I usually do this with the help of a content delivery network (CDN). Optimizing website speed has been proved to increase the website traffic of other websites that I handled and tested.
CDN delivers web pages and other web content to a user based on his/her geographic locations. I use MaxCDN, which is inexpensive and easy to integrate into WordPress websites.
I’ve also installed WordPress plug-ins, which are free, to increase website speed.
The following are the WordPress plugins that I’ve installed and used:
  • Lazy Load
    This plug-in loads images to improve page load times. It uses jQuery.sonar to load an image only when it’s visible in the viewport.Note: This plug-in doesn’t work on all themes, and it’s totally fine if you can’t use it.
  • W3 Total Cache
    You can easily add a CDN, such as MaxCDN, through W3 Total Cache. This plug-in improves the speed and user experience of your site.
  • Use Google Libraries
    This plug-in allows your WordPress site to use the content distribution network side of Google’s Ajax Library application program interface (API), instead of directly serving these files from your WordPress installation.
  • WP
    This plug-in reduces image file sizes and improves performance by using its API within WordPress.
Meta Tags
Meta tags are snippets of code on a web page that provides structured metadata about a web page. I’ve written a long article about meta tag from my previous posts, which you can check here and here. I strongly recommend that you read them.
For all of my WordPress websites, I only choose one of the two plug-ins to help me configure the meta title, meta description, and social meta tags. These two plug-ins are All in One SEO Pack or WordPress Yoast. I’ve found out that some people use both, and it’s okay.
I love beautiful designs, and I know that you love it, too. I choose and buy WordPress themes at ThemeForest, which I then customize.
During customization, although I’ve planned to serve ads from Google AdSense, I always make sure that the site will still look professional and beautiful to the eyes of my readers. To do this, I ask for feedbacks from some of my friends regarding the designs I’ve made.
Site Architecture
As mentioned by one of my friends, Johann Carpio, site architecture is how a website is laid out and how the pages are interconnected with one another. According to him, site architecture has three criteria: technical, aesthetic, and functionality.
To keep the description simple and to give you an idea, I’ve described in the following how I structured site architecture for functionality so that my readers can easily navigate the website.
For, I had planned to use three main initial topics: business, marketing, and entrepreneurship. I made these three main topics as post categories. Each of these main categories has five subcategories.
I had to create articles that are related and based on those subcategories. Let’s take the subcategory “productivity” as an example from the main category of “entrepreneurship.” However, before we even begin creating an article about this subcategory, you should follow the second step below.

2. Assess top-ranking articles on search engine result page (SERP) for ideas

You need to follow these two steps so that the top-ranking articles on SERP can give you ideas for your content creation process:
  • Simplify the keyword research process
  • Generate topic ideas from SERP
Simplify the keyword research process
The first thing you may want to do is to go to Google Keyword Planner, which is free.
In this tool, you can search for the main keywords that you will use for your article topic or the keywords that you wish to rank on search engine. To do this, simply type all the keywords, and then you should see a result like this:
Since we are simplifying the process, the rule of thumb is simple: A keyword will remain to be a good investment for content production as long as there is search count on it. You will still get rankings and searches from long-tail keywords anyway.
Generate topic ideas from SERP
On creating article topics, I’ve learned that few types of headlines stand out from the others, both on search engines and users. One of these types implies a “numbered list,” which is the easiest to create and outdo.
Here are few examples of numbered list posts:
  • 10 Tips on How to Be Awesome
  • 3,050 Digital Marketing Strategies that You’ll Love
  • 100 Benefits of Coffee for Hardworking Entrepreneurs
  • 5 Steps on How to Get 1,000 Visitors Per Day
You will notice that the first element of the title is a number.
Since we are trying to rank on SERP, we need to do a little Google search based on the simplified keyword research process. Here’s the result from the keyword “productivity tips”:
See? I’ve told you that numbered list posts rank well. We’ll then proceed to Step 3.

3. Produce better content

You need to produce content based on the research you have made from Step 2. Your content should outperform—both on quality and on quantity—the contents that you’ve found.
There are different factors in measuring quantity and quality, but I’ll mention few things that I consider important:
  • Quantity – Total number of the list created and article length
  • Quality – Flesch Reading Ease score, readability, grammatical error–free sentences, internal links, and external links
Outperform through Quantity
You should see from the result that we obtained by searching the keyword “productivity tips” that the highest tips generated are “30.” So in this case, if you want to compete with these already ranked articles, you should outperform them by providing more tips compared with the number of tips they have written and by presenting effective article length.
You may want to create 50, 70, or even 100 tips! You may also check the average length of their articles for comparison.
To give you an idea, the most recommended word count for articles that rank so well, which also worked for this experiment, is a minimum of 1,800.
Outperform through Quality
In addition to the originality or uniqueness of an article, that is, it shouldn’t be found anywhere else, the following are the things that you should keep in mind:
  • The fonts and font sizes used on your website can affect readability.
  • Having grammatical error–free sentences doesn’t equate to having a perfectly written article. Also, the articles should be checked by an experienced editor. Alternatively, your users should at least easily understand your point.
  • Make sure to link your past articles that are related to your current article. You may also want to link other websites to support your idea and refer related topics.
  • Check your Flesch Reading Ease score or readability level, and make sure that it matches your readers’ grade level. I always aim for a Flesch Reading Ease score of 60% and above.
Once you are done creating the article, compare it to the high-ranking articles that you’ve seen from Step 2 and see if you outperformed them in terms of quality and quantity. You should also return to Step 1 and optimize the technicalities, particularly the meta tag.

4. Get Social

Since the website is new and I only have a limited time to manage the distribution process, I’ve decided to utilize the top-ranking social media website in my target country.
To determine this social media website, I went to Alexa and browsed the top sites in the Philippines. I’ve found out that Facebook is ranked as the number one most visited site in the Philippines. Thus, I’ve decided to choose it as the platform for sharing and building my audience.
Fortunately, managed to get 2,000 targeted likes in just two weeks!
Here are the steps on how I did this:
  • Make the page simple and interesting through designs
  • Invite your friends to like your page by using the Facebook page feature
  • Invest $20 USD on Facebook ads to get an initial core audience
When the new article was ready for publishing, I just simply scheduled its posting on the page based on the time my audience are online. You can easily determine the best time to post on your Facebook page by checking the Facebook Insights.
To access Facebook Insights: Go to your Facebook Page > Click Insights > Click Posts.
I also ensured that I shared the new article on my personal profile so my friends would see it and probably share it, too.
Further reading: 16 Effective Facebook Marketing Strategies for Businesses

5. Encourage contributions has encouraged other people to submit unique articles in exchange for a link going back to their website, thereby improving their site’s SEO, that is, search engine optimization, and branding. But, it wasn’t the main reason why I did this.
Encouraging contributions not only helped my website to obtain fresh and unique articles that can potentially rank on search engines but also enabled me to build a relationship with blog contributors and receive free marketing service.
How? Whenever the article they’ve submitted was approved and published, I notified them. Then, they shared this posting with their friends and audience, thereby making some of their active audience my audience.

Some lessons I’ve learned from this experiment

The preceding steps are the things I’ve done to generate thousands (and increasing) of visitors with minimal effort, which are almost free. During this experiment, I’ve learned few things:
  1. Consistent article posting doesn’t mean that you’ll get tons of visitors. Optimization, research and distribution are the keys.
  2. You don’t need to complete all search engine ranking factors to get results and rank on search engines. Sometimes, minimal effort is enough as long as it was carefully planned and executed.
  3. Spending some money to get initial core audience isn’t a negative move. It has always been helpful to build a large number of audience.
  4. Simplify, simplify, simplify.
  5. “Give-to-receive” approach works.
So, there you go. I hope that you’ve found this post very useful since I spent more than four months to deliver this to you.
Is your website or blog already getting 1,000 website visitors per day? If yes, how did you do it? Are there other steps, not mentioned above, that you’ve made?
by Roel Manarang

Learning more

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

How to Make More Sales On Instagram in 5 Steps?

Instagram tutorials

Being an e-merchant, you have no other option than to take Instagram seriously, as there are giant potentials lying within it for selling and for reaching out to your audience.


The days when Instagram was the home of selfies and food photos only, are long gone now.
You can’t imagine how you could be efficiently present on such an interface as an online store operator? No problem, that’s exactly why we prepared this article.

Here you can learn everything about how you should start building your Instagram profile, how to make guides to the posts, how to organize your activities, even what at all (and when) you should post.

We’ll show you a set of valuable tools that will make you an expert at using Instagram, with analytics and with thinking ahead.

In the following we’ll talk about the below topics:

  • How effective is Instagram in selling?
  • 1) Build (and optimize) your profile
    • Have a good profile photo
    • Write a good introduction
    • Link one of your relevant pages
  • 2) Post pieces of content!
    • First step: analyse your competitors
    • Second step: choose the visuals
    • Third step: post regularly
    • Use the hashtags
    • When to post?
  • 3) Publish advertisements
  • 4) Find content ideas. A little help with that:
    • Storytelling
    • Set free your creativity
    • User generated content
    • Behind the scenes…
    • Live streams
    • Introduce influencers
    • Organize prize competitions
  • 5) Automate what you can, organize everything else
  • Never use stock photos
  • You can do this

How effective is Instagram in selling?

According to the data of L2, among all of the social media sites, the proportion of the browsing visitors converting into customers is the highest on Instagram. In addition, the potential clients are also more willing to deal with the brands than on other platforms.

90% of the biggest brands of the world operate an Instagram profile. They don’t need to grab every tool they can, they use it simply because it’s really efficient.

It’s no wonder: 60% of the platform’s users learn about new products, new offers from here, and 75% of them are even encouraged to take some actions because of those (even if not necessarily to purchase but to share or to browse further).

Forecasts show that the interface will grow by at least 27 million active users compared to the current half billion by 2020 – and that’s only a conservative estimate.

You can see now that you simply can’t leave Instagram out of your strategy.

Or if you do so, your competitors will take advantage of all the opportunities you’ve left untouched.

1 ‒ Build (and optimize) your profile

The first step is that you make your potential customers follow you at all. In order to direct them to your profile from other interfaces, you have to be a brand that’s most probably worth following on this interface in the first place.

However, most brands don’t put enough energy into the maintenance of their profiles.
This is what you should pay attention to:

Have a good profile photo

Your logo for example should work fine, most companies choose that. Message match is excellent, it’s easily recognizable – if you don’t choose your logo, it still should be some kind of an image that can be easily linked to your brand.
You will also make your visitors become more committed like this – the average users come across a brand seven times before converting. And seeing the logo, the brand more frequently, will help them on that path.

Write a good introduction

Fill in the bio part as well: it should be clear from the text who you are exactly, what you’re dealing with, and the style should match the style of your brand’s overall communication.

You may as well include some major values in your introduction, moreover, you can even use emojis if you see fit. These are especially capable of capturing attention.

When choosing the name, you should make sure to select something that can be found easily: the user name should preferably match the brand’s name, or it should be similar to it as much as possible. If it’s long or complicated, you can make it shorter, of course.

Link one of your relevant pages

You have the chance to redirect your followers to a given page from your profile. In order to decide which one you should redirect them to, you have to ask yourself the following question: what would I like the visitors of my profile to do?

Obviously, it would be best if they purchased something from you right away, but that’s unlikely to happen. On the other hand, if you have a blog posting interesting pieces of content, or a video channel for that matter, feel free to direct them to those.

2 ‒ Post pieces of content!

You continuously have to pay attention to the content that you publish – they should preferably transmit the same visual elements, the same message. But this is too important a question than to leave it just like that, so let’s see in detail what you have to do.

First step: Analyse your competitors

At first you should examine who, among your competitors, are active on Instagram, and what kind of content they post. Analyse who the most successful are among them, and which of their pieces of content resonate most with the audience.

It’s also worth finding out how they direct the audience to their Instagram profile. From a webpage, from Facebook, or from a newsletter for instance? Do they manage to recruit the appropriate audience with their technique?

In case you don’t have any competitors, monitor similar companies that operate on similar markets. Follow them as well. They don’t necessarily have to be your direct competitors in order to learn a couple of useful practices from them.

By now, you may already have a set of ideas, however, your content has to be unique. You don’t want to be someone like a competitor, you want to stand out from the crowd. In order to achieve this, you should follow a different path that also fits in the communication of your company.

Second step: choose the visuals

It’s aesthetics that’s most important on Instagram.

If people get to your profile and see that you upload confusing and chaotic images that don’t have much in common, they differ in style, in message, in meaning, there’s a great chance that they won’t follow you.

You have to maintain a stable standard, and you need to find your own style to be able to do that. Choose the colours (colour theory can help you with that, which we have already written about in detail earlier), the filters, decide what kind of photos you’ll upload, what kind of content you’ll share.
Whoever opens your profile, should experience this style in the very first moment. If your brand has an already established image, you shouldn’t have major difficulties creating this.

You should elaborate a branding guide that will help you in your work (or the work of the social media manager responsible for Instagram for that matter) in the future.

This should include the following:

  • What type of photos should you post? What should figure on them and what shouldn’t?
  • What kind of visual appearance do you want, what kind of filters do you use?
  • What colours do you work with?
  • Images of what sizes do you upload? (1080 x 1080 pixels is the recommended size.)
  • What kind of fonts do you use in the images?

Third step: post regularly

Here as well, just like in case of all of your communication channels, you’ll have to find the frequency that’s not yet annoying but which ensures continuous presence for you.
The biggest brands post on average 1 or 2 times a day.

What to post? : The sports brands for example usually work with content of inspirational type, for other users quotations, posts about entertaining everyday life, or even educational content may work. Begin with the types of your posts that are the most successful on other social interfaces, and visually transfer the spirit of those to Instagram.

It’s also important that you don’t forget the analytics. Iconosquare is a great tool for the analysis of Instagram. With the use of this, you’ll get a better insight of whether you’re going in the right direction.

You’ll have to monitor the following aspects in the first place:

  • Which are the most successful posts
  • Which trigger the most interactions
  • How many followers do you gain or lose within a given time period

You should get the useful data in an easily understandable way on the interface, then you can fine-tune posting based on those. You can prepare monthly reports, you can analyse the individual posts, your reach.

You’ll receive data on how you can optimize (for example what kind of filters are worthwhile for you to use), and you can gain quite useful data on your followers as well.

After a couple of months of posting, when your follower basis is big enough, these data will be very useful.

Use hashtags

The best way to increase your visibility on Instagram is with the use of hashtags (besides entangling users with larger follower basis, but we’ll discuss that later).
No matter how good content you publish, your audience will not find those by themselves, unless you use the appropriate tags, because the users search for preferred pieces of content and profiles based on those.

Why do they work so well? 
Because Instagram’s search engine is used extensively. Obviously, you should analyse which hashtags are worth using in a given field – there are free online tools for that, which work similarly to as if you were using keyword research. You enter a keyword and the service offers you a set of relevant hashtags that will bring you higher visibility.

Don’t use only the popular hashtags. Use the names of your brands as well, and create new hashtags that your audience will be able to use later. When you organize some kind of a game or an event, in other words, if there are some topicalities that can be tied to you, try to spread these and that will also increase your visibility and the commitment of your audience.

Iconosquare is a great tool for that, especially that it can be used with free registration as well.

When to post?

Iconosquare’s data will precisely show that to you, still, we can present you some findings based on the general statistics that you can start working with.

The most active period is the weekend, from Friday until Sunday. And the most active period within the day is at around 5 p.m. This shows that Instagram is most busy after working hours.

But you’ll have to test your own audience yourself: if you target young people specifically, or members of a given profession, you may as well get completely different data than these.

3 ‒ Advertise on Instagram

Fortunately, owners of the platform realized early how great a tool they had created for the online merchants. For this very reason, they introduced Instagram advertisements, which have ever since been quite efficient in increasing visibility, in generating traffic and in collecting leads.

It’s also an important fact that while the users of Facebook and of other social interfaces become immune to advertisements with time (which is why native pieces of content are increasingly popular on Facebook currently), no major effects of this can be felt on Instagram. The reason for this is that the emphasis here is still on creativity, on aesthetics, yet on interfaces where photos are posted, those who post (and advertise) relevant and good pieces of content can be identified at the very first moment.

In order to achieve success on Instagram, your advertising purposes have to be clearly defined. Purposes of the content advertised on Instagram may typically be the following:

  • Directing traffic to the webpage
  • Having mobile applications downloaded and installed
  • Having videos viewed
  • Increase of a post’s reach
  • Conversion on the webpage (in case of product advertisement)
  • Increasing visibility

You can see that Instagram, and advertising on it, is suitable not only for simple brand building but for direct selling as well.

By the way, there are three types of these advertisements:

  • Photo
  • Video
  • Carousel

The last is less recommended, because the message intended to reach the user when using a carousel is typically not focused enough, however, it’s still more efficient on Instagram than if you placed one on your webpage. (We’ve already written a thorough analysis of that, we strongly recommend you to read it.)

It’s best to have a completely focused message:  You present a single product (even if you use a carousel, you present the same product, only in different ways), you use a single, very specific call-to-action, and the link takes those who are interested directly to the product page.

The first step of optimization in ecommerce is always to get rid of the annoying factors that may discourage customers from conversion. If you advertise several products at the same time, or if the CTA is either too general or not clear enough, any of those can quite significantly reduce the conversion rate, especially on an interface as simple as Instagram by default.

Speaking of simplicity: make purchasing from you as easy as possible. If the purpose of a given piece of content is in fact to make people get to your product page and buy the product, you should make sure to eliminate all unnecessary steps.

In case you have a specific offer, the link (simple, preferably shortened and customized) mentioned in the bio (introduction) should lead to a very simple landing page with a specific message, where the users will find the same message as they did in the advertisement, and of course the same visual elements as well. (In this case, message match is of vital importance in terms of visual elements as well.)

4 ‒ Find content ideas. A little help with that:

We are sharing some general advice with you right away, before giving you any hints.
Don’t try selling immediately on Instagram: don’t post images, photos with your product in them simply in front of a plain white background. Place it in some kind of a real-life situation, present how it makes the life of the customers easier, how it’s made, how it’s used, what problems can be solved by using it, and so on. Selling can come after that.


Introduce an evangelist, a loyal customer who succeeded in solving one of his problems with your help. Or introduce someone who works for you. Present the important (and interesting) milestones of the company’s history.

It’s the story that’s important: storytelling is one of the most powerful weapons in your hand.
Let the users feel that they have something to do with the story, that they could even be its star, because that’s what you can create subconscious connection, sympathy with.

Set free your creativity

Think about how creative solutions can be realized with the help of your products. How can they be used “unintended”, how can that be made interesting?

If you can’t invent something like that yourself, ask your audience. Or you can organize a game for that purpose (more about that later). Ask them to send in creative photos and display those on your interface together with their stories.

And that brings us to another type…

User generated content

Social media content, created by your users, for free.
It plays a major role, as the audience loves when you provide them the opportunity to play, to appear, to show off. And it brings you free content and very high reach, since everyone is happy to share such posts.

Of course, the posts have to have something to do with you. The brand, your products should be included in them somehow, so that those who come across them know that they are related to you, as this is how you’ll benefit from it even more (in addition to it facilitating the commitment of your already existing audience).


Behind the scenes…

How is the daily work going on at your company? Yes, you’ll have to tell a story about that as well, but you may as well do something interesting in addition: you can provide insight into workflow processes and events, which your audience could not see otherwise.

You allow exclusive experience like that, and make your brand closer and more informal to them, as you reveal your “secrets”. That’s a great tool for trust building.

Live streams

You organized an event? Or you’re simply participating in one? That’s a perfect opportunity to turn your audience on.

The reason why live streams are so popular is that because a lot of people who don’t go in person to such an event, would like to be present in mind and spirit, or at least learn about the most interesting happenings.

Take photos, chat and share all that’s interesting, they will hang on your every piece of content. Obviously, you should make sure it’s a relevant event, which has the most chance of capturing their attention.

Introduce influencers

This is practically the same category as the interviews on blogs. Take an influencer with a lot of followers, who is also interesting for you, and present him on your profile in a way that the piece of content is connected to you as well.

They will also be happy to share these, and your audience will be enthusiastic about them. It’s not by chance that influencer marketing is so efficient on Instagram: followers of the various celebrities can get incredibly enthusiastic when they see their favourites somewhere.

Organize prize competitions

Instagram is an excellent interface for organizing different prize competitions.
There are multiple reasons for that:

  • You can perfectly promote it with influencer marketing.
  • Reach of user generated content is huge.
  • You can present the prizes straight away.

Of course, before starting organizing, you should set your specific goals, and formulate your call accordingly, in a very precise way.

What would you like to achieve?

  • To direct users to your product page or landing page?
  • To have more followers?
  • To reach more people?
  • To make one of your hashtags spread all over?

It’s also important what you offer in return. The present should be valuable enough to make the users start posting or sending in pieces of content that can be associated with your brand, you’ll have to reward their efforts.

Tips: Exclusive products of limited edition, last pieces, prizes that relate to celebrities and influencers will work well for example.

Don’t forget to reward the participants either: at least you should republish the best posts, introduce and celebrate the winner, ask questions from him, post as he receives the prize – use the power of storytelling.

A great tool, Wishpond can make organizing the competition for you a lot easier. By using hashtags, you can follow the potential winners, the winner among the posted images may be the one that receives the most likes on your Facebook page or even your webpage. (Like this, you can easily promote the game for higher reach on other interfaces as well.)

5 ‒ Automate what you can, organize everything else

Since you have to continuously provide high quality content, posting daily can become quite exhausting. Sometimes you forget it, sometimes you don’t have anything to publish, or you run out of ideas…

So it’s a good thing to always make enough pieces of content in order to set up a reserve for such cases.

Tip: Open Canva and start creating pieces of content based on the predefined hashtags. Take the photos made by a professional photographer or those among the product photos and other snapshots that are good enough to use them on Instagram, then change them to match the profile’s spirit.

You can even preschedule these posts you prepared in advance, and it’s a good thing if you do so. Just like Buffer on other interfaces, in this case it’s Later that will make your life easier.

Unfortunately, the tool is not capable of posting instead of you, you’ll need to continue to use the application for that, but it superbly keeps track of when, what and how you will need to post, and thus you’ll never forget about the details either.

As we have already mentioned, regularity is quite important. For this reason, a content calendar is never a bad idea. And if you make such a thing, it’s worth varying the content types described above: ten product photos should not come one after the other, the different categories should vary at an enjoyable pace, so that you serve the needs of every member of your audience.

Interactions are also important: Instagram is a social networking platform after all. You’ll have to answer the messages and comments here, too, just like you have to do so on Facebook.

Of course, not 24 hours a day – you should rather organize this activity, choose 30 minutes within the day when you deal only with responding to the reactions and answers that came in. Thus you’ll “move” your brand closer to the audience, you’ll show your human face and will make them more committed.

Letsell.It application represents a sort of bypass.

Even though Instagram API doesn’t support automated posting, you can still advertise your products through this application. In exchange for a small fee, you can reach an audience through them, who you were unable to get to earlier. It’s also a useful function for chatting with your customers, which will lead to higher conversion as it improves user experience.

Never use stock photos

If you want to be successful, you should immediately forget about using photos from stock image sites.
It’s the unique and relevant pieces of content that are successful on Instagram.

Tip: Just like in case of the photos displayed on the product pages, here I also advise you to hire a professional photographer if necessary. It will be more expensive, but the results will justify that the unique and high quality images perform better and make more profit for you.

(By the way, hiring a professional photographer is not at all as expensive as you would think so. By calculating with 1 or 2 posts a day, you can have content of even several months created relatively cheaply, provided you prepare everything right for the shooting in advance.

Stock photos represent one thing to your audience: that you weren’t willing to invest any energy into showing the best visual content you can on an interface where that’s all that matters in the first place. Why would they follow you then?

You can do this
If you use all these tips, you won’t have difficulties in creating a great Instagram profile, and building not only your brand but increasing your income as well.

The key, like many times, is simplicity:

Once you’ve laid down some ground rules, the rest will almost take care of itself.
Follow our pieces of advice and tips, use the tools mentioned here, exploit the various content types, and I guarantee you’ll become a more successful e-merchant.

by Gábor Imre

Instagram tutorials

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

3 Useful Facebook Marketing Strategies to Up Your Income

Like many other social networks, Facebook is an effective tool in any marketer's arsenal. But if you want to be successful with this tool, then you need to know how to use it.

Keep in mind that Facebook marketing is different from how the marketing on other social networking sites is done. This is because each tool has its specific purpose.

Just as you wouldn't use a wrench to hammer in a nail, you need to be aware of how to use Facebook correctly so that you don't waste your time or your money on marketing efforts that will ultimately end in a time and money failure.

Use Facebook to Drive Traffic to an Affiliate Promotion

There are three marketing strategies that you can use to make you more money on Facebook. The first method involves driving people to an affiliate promotion. If they click through your Facebook post or ad and make a purchase, then you'll get a commission.

Many marketers offer a commission rate of 50%, but you should never choose a product based solely on the commission rate. If you promote crappy products, users will catch on and you'll end up permanently damaging your brand for some quick cash.

That's not what you want to do if you're in the Internet marketing industry for the long haul. When it comes to promoting a product to make affiliate sales on Facebook, there are several things that you'll want to consider.

The first is whether this product will help your audience. If it doesn't meet a need or fulfill a want, then you might not find anyone who would want to buy it. And you could end up losing a lot of cash if you use boosted ads to promote the wrong product to the wrong audience.

Once you've established that a product really will help your followers, you need to evaluate the product yourself. As an affiliate, your name is on the line, too. If one of your followers buys this product and it doesn't deliver the results that were promised, your reputation will be tarnished in their eyes.

One unhappy customer will always tell others. It's far better to spend half an hour skimming the content of the product you plan to promote than it is to lose the trust and loyalty of your followers.

Now that you've confirmed that the quality of the product you'll be promoting really will help your customers, you need to exam the creator's sales page. There are some marketers who are so eager to launch their product, they don't pay enough attention to their sales page.

As a result, they have a great product that nobody will buy because of a poor landing page. If a sales page isn't going to convert readers into buyers, then there's no reason to pay to promote it to your own fans.

The only exception to this rule is if you've built a loyal audience that trusts your word and is willing to buy a product that has a vague or poorly worded sales page. But be careful about promoting products with bad sales pages too often.

You might even be able to contact the seller and ask for something specific to be set up just for your readers. You might even create a page yourself if they don't have the skills and ask them to use that for your orders only.

When it comes to Facebook posts, pictures are what capture your audience because we live in a more visual world than ever before. Yes, you need great sales text in your ad.

But if your picture doesn't capture the attention of your fans, they won't pause long enough to read your text. This is why picking an appropriate picture to include with your ad is so important.

Sometimes, you can use a photo directly from the sales page if it's a high quality image. Other times, the product creator may have "swipe" files available with images that you can attach to your post.

But not every marketer is great with graphics. Maybe they were in a rush to launch and something went wrong with their graphics delivery - or maybe they didn't take the time to hire someone who could create professional images.

When the images related to a product aren't great, you still have two options. You can create your own images by using a website like or Both of these websites will allow you to create nice graphics, even if you have no prior experience.

If you don't have the time or don't want to create your own images, you can also purchase a photo. Stock sites like have millions of images that you can buy and use in your advertisement.

The content portion of your ad is important as well. Don't worry about the length of your content - here's why. What you really want to do is give the reader a feeling that they're reading a real review from a real person.

One way to do that is to personalize your review. For example, if you're promoting a product that will help your audience lose weight without giving up donuts and other junk food, then you might start your review by mentioning the day you had a meltdown because you'd failed your diet again.

By starting a review with a personal story, you help your readers lower their guard and make them more likely to click through and buy the product that you're referencing because they feel you can relate to them.

Keep in mind that a review that's too glowing and over the top time after time may put readers on the defensive. This is why it can be helpful to list both the pros and the cons of the product.

For example, you may mention that the diet program is great at giving you practical tips that you can use right away, but that you wish the course had focused on what to do if you're an emotional eater as well - or you wish it gave a set of recipes to incorporate into the plan.

Once you've finished up your review, you can create your Facebook post. But before you do, look at where you'll be directing your audience to go once they click on your ad. Don't direct them to a post on your blog where they can then click through to the product.

This adds an extra step to the sales process and makes them more likely to abandon their purchase before they complete it. Instead, you should have the link for your advertisement direct to the sales page of the product.

This means you'll have fewer buyers losing their way - and as a result, you should be earning plenty of affiliate commissions. Keep in mind that nobody on Facebook signs up to a page to be sold to 24/7.

Your affiliate posts and ads should be sprinkled in among many valuable posts that share free tips and insight with your Facebook fans. Whenever you share good products and posts with your audience, the chance of them sharing it with their followers increases.

One of the great things about affiliate income through Facebook is that you have the potential to promote both tangible and digital products. If you're in the diet niche, for example, you can review both.

You might do a review of an info course from ClickBank one week - an ongoing review, or maybe even a challenge for your group. The next week, you might post a review of the new treadmill or barbells you just bought off Amazon.

Facebook is a great way to get going with your affiliate sales if you don't yet have a website of your own. You attract some like-minded people to your page, pepper them with good advice, and periodically promote what you deem acceptable to your followers.

Build a List Through Facebook

Facebook posts aren't just useful for earning affiliate commissions. They can also be used to grow your email list. As a marketer, one of the best things you can do is to focus on your subscriber volume.

These are people in your niche who are eager to hear from you and have given you permission to email them information. While growing your email list may not necessarily make you any money today, it can help you earn money later on.

This is because subscribers allow you to sell to them in the future many times over. So, while you may miss out on the opportunity for immediate cash, you can nurture a valuable relationship with subscribers and turn them into future buyers.

Before you purchase your Facebook advertisement or make an organic post, you should focus on creating a freebie. You want to offer your potential subscribers an opt in offer they can't ignore.

In order to come up with this freebie, you'll need to discover what buyers in your niche want most. You can start your research by looking at forums in your industry. For example, if you're in the pain management industry, then look for chronic pain forums.

Then begin looking for similar threads made by the forum users. You'll use these threads to note patterns and how users describe their aches and pains. This information will be helpful when you go to write your report.

From hundreds of forum threads, you might notice that the number one complaint on the forum is that back pain limits most users' activities. You could take this information and create a freebie around this need.

Your freebie might be about how to live with back pain without letting it take over your life and robbing you of daily activities like walking and running. But you'll still need to go beyond that.

You don't want a report that sounds generic, like it could have been written by just anybody. You want the report to capture your voice and more importantly, your story. Many marketers are in their niches, not just because they heard they could make money in these niches, but because of a personal reason.

Maybe you don't live with debilitating back pain, but you do know what it's like to live with chronic pain every day - or you had a short-term back injury that's since healed. Whatever made you decide to enter your niche, you need to tap into that well while writing your report.

You need to draw from your own experiences and you need to be real about it. Talk about the day when you were in so much pain you couldn't bend down to help your toddler tie his shoes.

Or that moment when you realized you had to give up your painting hobby because arthritis pain robbed you of the ability to hold a paint brush. These are the sort of things that will leave your reader nodding along and saying, "Wow, this person gets it! They understand how awful I'm feeling!"

When you've created that kind of feeling in your reader, they'll be connected to you. They'll look forward to your messages and they may even email you because they do feel like because you've been there, and you can help.

After you've created your report, it's time to get people to subscribe to your email list. Facebook posts are a great way to drive traffic to your sign up page, but you need to create your post or ad correctly.

Write the content of your ad focused on what your potential subscriber needs. Using the pain management example from above, you want your post to discuss how hard it is to live with back pain and how helpless this condition can leave your reader.

You want to show empathy here and that you understand exactly how your reader feels. Then pitch your report as the solution to the reader's problems and include a strong call to action that tells readers exactly what you want them to do.

For example, you might tell readers to, "Click here for your free life-changing report today!" After you have the content for your Facebook post, you'll want to choose where readers go after clicking on your link.

You want to send them to a squeeze page. This page should have a compelling headline, bullet points designed to remind your reader of the value of this freebie, and possibly a short video.

Your video doesn't have to be complicated or fancy. In fact, readers may relate to you more if you're in your home office, chatting with them like you would if you were having coffee together.

This will reassure potential subscribers that you're authentic and trustworthy. The final element that you need for your opt-in page is your email form. You only need to include two fields on this form - one for your subscriber's name and one for their email address.

Adding more fields makes it more likely that your visitor won't subscribe. If needed, you can always email your subscriber later and ask them for more information. But for now, you should stick with just the two fields.

Once you've finished with your opt-in page, you can submit your post to Facebook and watch your mailing list grow even bigger.

Now this is when you want to post about your opt in offer and possibly boost the post for more exposure to those who haven't yet become Fans of your page yet. But there's another way to grow your list on Facebook.

You'll have people who join your page, and from there, they can opt in directly on your Facebook Fan page! If you're using Aweber, for example, log into Facebook and click this link to add the Aweber app to Facebook.

Choose your page from the drop down and click Add Page Tab. This will take you back to your page. On the left side of your page, you'll see the Email Sign Up button, which you want to click on.

Click Configure - and enter your Aweber login details. Allow access and press configure again. Choose the list and form you want to use and Save changes!

Use Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Product Offers

Another way you can use Facebook is to drive traffic to one of your own product offers and increase your income by creating a scarcity mindset. This is important because consumers are overwhelmed with information.

Unless you give them an incentive to click right now, users are going to navigate right past your post. One way to create a scarcity mindset is to limit your offer by the number of copies available.

In your post or advertisement, you might say that you only have fifty licenses of your product to sell. Don't lie, obviously, but if it's a limited number of available copies, that can be enough to make them take action now instead of planning on coming back later.

Mention that you know these licenses will go fast, if they will. Just like that, you've made your reader think that if they don't take action right now, they'll be missing out on something.

You can also create a scarcity mindset by making your offer time sensitive. This works well if you've just released your product. You might tell readers that the introductory price to your product will only last for a short period of time - like forty-eight hours.

Keep in mind as you write your post that it's a mini sales page. But you need to avoid hyping up your offer. This might be seen as spammy and social networks are all about sharing, not selling.

This means that too much hype could backfire on you and result in poor sales numbers. You'll also want to briefly mention your reader's needs and why this is the perfect solution for them.

A selling point might be that your product is easy. If your product isn't easy, maybe the selling point is that it's fast. For example, you might tell readers that your diet plan promotes healing of the gastric system in just two weeks.

Whatever your selling point is, mention it in your Facebook post. Finally, you want to include a special incentive for readers who click through from Facebook. There are many incentives that you could offer, but one popular item is a discount coupon.

Make sure that this discount coupon is time-sensitive. You don't want your reader taking a lot of time to think before purchasing your offer and seeing it closed. Another incentive that you might prefer to include is a special page, set up with a bonus that's just for buyers from Facebook.

Don't throw junk at your customers just so you can say that you have a bonus. You want your bonus to be an item that's actually valuable and really will help your customers.

But you don't have to make your bonus a product, it could also be a service. For example, you might offer a free hour of coaching for Facebook buyers or give them a free review of their website.

Not only does this give your buyer an exclusive bonus, but it also gives them a chance to work with you one on one. If you're a service provider, you could then pitch your services to these buyers later, after they've accepted your bonus offer. This can result in even more income from that one Facebook sale.

You should learn how to use these three strategies with both organic posts and boosted ads on Facebook. You'll want to learn the guidelines about what's allowed and what's not, but sometimes writing a really good organic post and boosting it can result in more sales than a hyped up typical "advertisement" because it allows those reading your post to connect with you on a more trustworthy level.

Facebook marketing is a great way to reach a wide base of potential customers. Just remember that like all marketing endeavors, your goal should be to provide value. If you do that, then you'll continue to grow your business, your subscriber list, and ultimately, your income.


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Monday, 20 February 2017

SEO Tutorial & Guide for 2017 - Search Engine Optimization Todos

SEO Course

Why Do You Love SEO Learning? It's Really Amazing!

When we talk about internet marketing, then the most important aspect that pops in our mind is SEO. Without the power of SEO, the world of internet marketing would fall apart. The importance of SEO or Search Engine Optimization is known to everyone. However, it is also true that not all of us truly get into the skin of this subject. The vastness of SEO is still increasing as more developments are being carried out. But, most of us are just scratching the surface of this subject, rather than getting inside it to understand the subject completely.

SEO as a career option can be really an excellent one, and with the passage of time, the demand for SEO professionals is surely going to rise. For this reason, it is good to learn SEO from the scratch, up to the advanced level. In case you are still not sure about it, read below.

Demand of SEO: 
We all know that why SEO is important for the businesses. In every business niche, every single company is trying to earn a space in the first page search result of any search engine. Everyone wants to have the much exposure for their business. The main task of SEO professionals is to improve the ranking of a website by making it as search engine friendly as possible. Considering the fact that every day hundreds of websites are being added to the web world, it is quite sure that the demand of SEO professionals is surely going to increase. So, if you want to cash in the opportunities, you got to learn SEO from a reputed training center.

How you can enjoy doing SEO?

It is also true that in order to excel in any field, you have to love your work. If you are not enjoying what you are doing, no matter how lucrative the opportunities are, you will never like them. So, what are the exciting aspects about SEO? Well, when you work in the field of SEO, you do not have to remain in an office cubicle, or in any particular city. You can travel to places around the world and still perform excellently in the field of SEO. In this way, you will be able to confront with new opportunities, which in turn will provide a better momentum to your career.

No boundaries for SEO work 
Like it was mentioned above, in the case of SEO you do not have to remain stuck at any particular place, or in any company for doing that 9 to 7 kind of job. You can work as a freelance SEO expert and provide your services to wide range of clients, coming from different parts of the world. So, there are no limitations when with comes to SEO. There are many freelancing portals where service providers and seekers come together.

Decided to work in your free hours 
There are many SEO training courses that can be pursued easily as they have flexible modules. You can learn and earn at the same time, without leaving your present job. Online courses provide you the freedom to learn SEO right from the comfort of your home.

So, SEO being the most widely sought after skills in the world of online jobs, it is certainly beneficial to become an expert of SEO. Your career will surely experience rapid growth rate in the field of SEO.