Wednesday 5 October 2016

20 Terrific Twitter Tips and Tricks

How to earn $10K/month
Throughout this blog you’ll find tons of Twitter tips and tricks to help you take your Twitter marketing to the next level.
In this post I share 20 Terrific Twitter Tips and Tricks to help you get more followersmore retweets, and all around better results on Twitter.
Enjoy the post and if you do please share it with your followers on Twitter! 🙂

1. Pin a Compelling Tweet to the Top of Your Profile

Pin a tweet and you will be instantly adding more exposure for of the best tweets you’ve made recently.
Ideally this should be a link that promotes a core element of your business or brand.
I often use the pin feature to highlight a recent blog post or a piece of visual content I’ve shared recently.
You can do this by clicking the triple dot icon in the bottom right of a tweet and selecting “Pin to your profile page” as can be seen below.

2. Keep Your Tweets Short

To maximize the potential that your tweet is engaged with leave enough room for someone to include “via @YourUsername” if they
This often happens when someone wants to share your tweet and decides to copy and paste your tweet and give you credit for the original tweet.

3. Use Multiple Links In Your Bio

In the bio field on Twitter you have 160 characters to describe yourself.
Since 160 is not a whole lot of characters I keep my bio brief and include two links to my Facebook and Instagram pages.
Make sure you use http:// at the beginning of your links for these links to be clickable.
I’ve noticed these links are not active on the Android app but they do work on the PC web version.

4. Use The Three Most ReTweeted Wordsretweet-logo

The three most retweeted words are “You,” “Twitter,” and “Please.”
So please use you often when tweeting to your Twitterfollowers and you’ll be good.

5. Add a Period or Exclamation Point to Your Mentions

This will send them as tweets and will be seen by all of your followers.
Mentions that start with @ have limited reach and will only be shown to the person you mention and people who follow you both.

6. Participate in #FollowFriday

There are few better ways to build good will with someone than by recommending that everyone follow them.
To get the best results with this don’t just throw down a bunch of names, highlight one profile per tweet, and let people know why they should follow the person you are recommending.

7. Upload Images Directly to Twitter

Images uploaded directly to Twitter are 94% more likely to get retweeted.
I’m not saying you shouldnt upload images to Twitter using other services, like Instagram.
But if you want to maximize your reach uploading directly to Twitter will give you more exposure in the news feed and this gives you a better chance at getting engagement with your tweet.

8. When In Doubt Help People Out

Sharing helpful and useful content never goes out of style.
Share content that helps other people and you can’t go wrong.
Some link shortening services enable you to promote yourself while sharing other people’s content so you can maximize conversions while helping your followers.

9. Be Mindful of What Your Favorite

Your favorites show up in your followers timelines so only favorite content that truly resonates with you.

10. Create and Curate The News

80% of retweeted content is about news.
It’s hard to lose if you’re creating and sharing compelling news.
New content falls into this category as well.
Preface your new blog posts with “NEW Post” or something along those lines to let everyone know it’s fresh.

11. Use Twitter Lists

Twitter lists are a great way to follow interesting people in relevant ways without racking up your follower count.
A strategy that has helped me create a strong Twitter network is to use lists to follow interesting tweets, and follows to create connections.
Many people follow other profiles and far fewer use lists.  Listing someone shows them that you have a keen interest in what they are saying.
A simple follow is much more impersonal.

12. Follow People Without Them Knowing It

If you want to follow someone without them knowing it, you can create a private Twitter list, add them to it, then follow their updates there.

13. Recycle Your Tweetstwitter-recycle-logo

On average each tweet you send will only reach 2% or less of your followers.
You can easily extend your reach by recycling your tweet and posting it with a different angle multiple times throughout the tweet.

14. Make Your Images Stand Out

For your images to stand out without getting cropped on Twitter use the size 1024 x 512.
If you are sharing a square image on Twitter be aware that Twitter will only preview the middle section of the image you post.

15. Download Your Tweets

Within the “Account” section of your Twitter setting panel you can request an archive of your tweets.
Once this archive is created you will be notified with an email with the subject line “Your Twitter download is ready” so you can download it.
The download package includes a .csv spreadsheet showing all the tweets you’ve ever posted.
All 23,980 of my tweets since 2008 were included when I downloaded mine.

16. Use Twitter’s Advanced Search

Need to narrow your search?
Try Twitter’s advanced search for powerful and easy to use search features.


17. Find Tweets With Links

Want Tweets with links? Put ‘filter:links’ into your Twitter search.

cool-hashtag-image18. Use (But Don’t Abuse) Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to extend your reach on Twitter, especially when you are starting out.
To discover my best Twitter hashtag tips check out this post I wrote about How To Get The Most Out of Twitter #Hashtags.

19. Tweet on the Go

Twitter was initially designed with mobile in mind.
There is a Twitter app for every major phone platform and you can even access all the main functions of Twitter via SMS text messages.

20. Schedule Your Tweets

You might not always have the time to tweet but with a bit of planning ahead you can make sure you are always getting content out there for your twitter audience.twitter-clock-bird
The Twitter tool SocialBro show you when most of your followers use Twitter so you can schedule your best content to get out when it has the best chance of being seen.
To manually schedule tweets ahead of time I recommend using Hootsuite.  You can also use Hootsuite to post to Facebook, LinkedIn and more.
To automatically get out tweets on an ongoing basis I recommend checking out the powerful Twitter automation tool Tweet Jukebox.


These Twitter tips and tricks can help you take your Twitter game to the next level.
Author: Garin Kilpatrick is an Internet business developer, adventurer, social media strategist, and the founder of this blog! You should follow him on Twitter @Garin.
How to earn $10K/month

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